It’s Christmas once again; and the song of the angels resound as fresh and bright as if it were yesterday: “Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace to men of goodwill!”   These words, chanted by the angels on the first Christmas night, never cease to offer us Hope,Read More →

As the world tries to catch the “CHRISTMAS SPIRIT”, malls are decorated and filled with Christmas shoppers. Christmas cards are in the process of being prepared, sent, and received. Christmas packages are being wrapped to be placed under the tree; children are getting more excited. We are hearing Christmas carolsRead More →

400 years ago in 1621, a small number of grateful pilgrims assembled in prayer to thank God for an abundant harvest. Their thanks was a testimony of their belief that God looked with favor on their quest for a land where the blessings of freedom flow. In that humble setting,Read More →

In the ancient near East, widows didn’t have insurance, a pension or social security to help them. For survival, they depended on the charity of their relatives or friends. Yet in the first reading today, it was the widow who cared for the prophet Elijah. Because the widow was soRead More →

Basilica of St. Mary Assumption Catholic Women’s ClubMinutes of November 3, 2021 Meeting The meeting was called to order by president, Jennifer Tinkler. Secretary’s report given by Jen Tinkler with no corrections. Treasurer’s report given by Melanie Fouss. Current balance is $5354.92. Sunshine report given by Carol Antill. Working onRead More →

Certain moments and words burn themselves into our consciousness: the exchange of marriage vows, the laying-on of the bishop’s hands at ordination, the birth of a child, the death of a parent. These events and words become part of us forever; we don’t forget them – they make us whoRead More →

Where we sit is important to us. In church, we usually want to sit in the same place; we feel comfortable there. At a concert, or a play, or some game, we like tickets in the “best seats in the house”. At Papal audiences in Rome, pilgrims always try toRead More →

Minutes of Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Women’s Club Meeting October 6, 2021 The meeting was called to order by president, Jennifer Tinkler followed with opening prayer by Linda McMichael and the reciting of the pledge of allegiance. Secretary’s report was presented by Laura Riley with noRead More →

One of the greatest tragedies of the last few decades has been a lack of commitment to the vocations of priesthood and marriage. The scandals in the priesthood and the increase in the divorce rate indicate the sad statistics and the terrible consequences of self – centeredness in the WesternRead More →

Cardinal Ratzinger made a statement a number of years ago concerning the Catholic Church’s relationship with other Christian churches. What he said was, “The Catholic Church is not a “sisters church” to all other churches, rather the Catholic Church is the “Mother Church” because, from Her, all other churches emerged.”Read More →