Basilica of St. Mary Assumption Catholic Women’s Club
Minutes of February 3, 2021 Meeting

Meeting was called to order by the president, Jennifer Tinkler.

Monsignor Campbell led with an opening prayer followed by the reciting of the Pledge of the Allegiance.

Secretary’s report was presented by Laura Riley for the January meeting in Penny Rose’s absence.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Jennifer in Melanie Fouss’ absence. The balance is $5,022.09 which is an increase of $680 from January due to dues/donations collected since the last meeting. No expenses. A question was raised as to how much are dues and the reply was there are no official dues. We appreciate
all donations for the work of the CWC. Wording to be changed on envelopes for next year.

Sunshine report was not presented as Carol Antill was not in attendance. However, Carol is still sending
out cards if you need something sent let Carol or Jennifer know.

New Business:

  • Book Club
    • Debbie Lazorik reported they were pleased with the participation at the first meeting (19 attended). Good conversation and a nice mix of people. Brought two new guests to tonight’s meeting.
    • Next meeting February 24 at 6 PM social hall. The announcement will be in the bulletin.
    • Participants are on their own now and will purchase books.
    • Find new ways to connect books and questions to our faith.
  • Email/phone list
    • An email list serve has been created for the book club as well as CWC membership.
    • A link will be available on the website to the book club as well as a link for CWC meeting minutes. More details available soon.
  • Brainstorming for new projects
    • Currently the CWC handles all meals and special events for the parish. Due to COVID many of these have been paused.
    • Karen Weisend is responsible for sewing and embroidering the baptismal garments for babies and for RCIA members. It used to be done by CWC. She would appreciate help and it was suggested this be put back under the CWC umbrella. A request will be submitted to the bulletin for those interested in helping with this project.
    • A sewing club was suggested. This club could also include knitting, crocheting, etc. Debbie Lazorik mentioned it could be held at the Betsy Mills Club and she could facilitate it. Another member suggested a sewing club could also help younger people involved with 4-H etc.
    • Possible committee for setting up trips. Could be titled “Pilgrimage/Mission”. Activities could include March for Life, etc.
    • CWC should be supporting all women of the parish. Suggestion was made for a committee responsible for “helping moms”, supporting new mothers with babies.
    • Welcome committee. Jim Naylor of our parish does put packets together for new members. This is part of the parish council ministry.
    • Retreats for women. Jennifer reported there is a diocese retreat in Steubenville that she attends and others are certainly encouraged to attend.
    • With Lent coming up, it was suggested that there be group sessions for parish members to attend to provide spiritual growth. Meetings could be informal and give attendees opportunity to share their faith. There are some small groups already meeting weekly, but not certain if they would like to have others join. Possibly approach the groups to see how the CWC could support their efforts.
    • In essence all of these committees could have one goal in mind to feed our faith. Laura Riley will provide a list of sub-committees within our parish to Jennifer. Also, Cecilia has been working on ideas along these same lines for a spiritual life group which the CWC could support.
    • Father Mike said our parish will be involved in a pilot program with 4 parishes. He meets in April and will have more information after this meeting. The program is aimed at spiritual support dealing with our faith.
  • Fundraiser for St. Mary School (Sub sale)
    • 256 subs were pre-ordered. Food costs $576.62 plus $80 that the deli may buy back if not used. $1,536 less expenses. Motion was made, seconded and passed that if we do not make$1,000 from the sale, the CWC will make up the difference.
    • Prep will be held on Saturday, February 6 at 9:30 AM. Volunteers are needed for prep, and for distributing subs after each mass.

The meeting was adjourned and the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 3, 2021 following the
6 PM mass.

Respectfully submitted,
Penny Rose
Catholic Women’s Club
February 6, 2021