Today, in the Gospel, we learn of a Canaanite woman – whose religious heritage was very different from that of the Jews – but she too had faith in Jesus. She came to Jesus begging Him to heal her daughter who was “severely possessed by a demon.” As Jesus passedRead More →

As the reading from the Book of Kings opens in today’s Mass, the prophet Elijah had just proved God’s power and majesty over 450 false prophets of the pagan god Baal.  Queen Jezebel was humiliated and embarrassed and reacted with great anger against Elijah; so he fled to Mount HorebRead More →

As the Gospel opens today, Jesus has just learned that John the Baptist has died. Jesus and Apostles decided to take a few days by themselves, so they got into a boat and headed away from the crowds for the other side of the lake – but they did notRead More →